Scholastic Tournament Calendar

This calendar below lists tournaments for K-12 students. Scholastic Chess in Kentucky is divided into for regions called “Quads” (map at the bottom of this page). You can filter the calendar to only statewide events or only events taking place in your region by clicking the little arrow in the upper right. We suggest scholastic chess players subscribe to the calendar for statewide events and the calendar for their region (Quad A, Quad B, Quad C, Quad D) using Google Calendar or their favorite calendar program.

We also encourage scholastic players to participate in open tournaments alongside adults.  The calendar for those is here.

Note that except for official KCA championship events, tournaments are added to this calendar directly by tournament organizers. The KCA doesn’t vet or endorse the tournaments and does not check the accuracy of the information.  If you are a tournament organizer who would like to add your tournaments to this calendar, please e-mail for directions.
